Flare-Up Diet

New Nakama - Flickr

There is nothing more unnerving and unpleasant than an active flare-up. Abundant bloody diarrhea makes us lose weight, causing us to be constantly tired. We have no life and just wish the nightmare would end.

Because of general unawareness, we have no idea what to eat, so we proceed indiscriminately. But in this situation, we need to eat the right foods.

To help you out, I have created a temporary diet for flare-ups that helps reduce inflammatory symptoms. Its effectiveness is measured through a gradual decrease of symptoms. When you recover, the best idea is to begin the first phase of my program. If you go back to your old eating habits, you may be at risk of falling ill with the disease again.

Be aware that stress plays a major role in your illness. Make sure you eliminate as much stress as possible in your life. The more stressed you are, the longer your healing process will take. Meditation, relaxation or any other soothing activity may help your recovery.
PS: Everyone who has tried my flare-up diet has seen their symptoms decrease in only a few days.

Flare-Up Diet

Beverage: spring water only

Breakfast: hot creamy buckwheat cereal. This can be made with whole white organic buckwheat ground with a coffee grinder

Condiments: small quantities of dried herbs

Fish, meat and poultry: prepared just as they are or pureed

Fruit: small amounts of blueberries, raspberries or strawberries in hot buckwheat cereal

Evening grain: quinoa

Natural broths: beef, chicken or vegetable

Oils: all good first cold-pressed oils are permitted in small quantities

Vegetables: alfalfa, asparagus, avocado, celery, eggplant, fennel, garlic, onion and zucchini


The foods allowed during a fare-up are suggestions. If you notice that a particular food does not agree with you, try the next. It is up to you to experiment.

I have not included foods containing lactose and gluten because of the many intolerances they can lead to. Fruits in general are banned because they are too sweet. For breakfast, only strawberries, raspberries and blueberries can be add to hot cereals (creamy buckwheat) with a bit of cinnamon.

Whole white organic buckwheat is usually sold in health food stores. Grind whole grains to powder in a coffee mill. You can buy a coffee grinder for less than $10, in a big box store.

Natural beef, chicken and vegetable broths are allowed. You can add quinoa and permitted vegetables such as celery, garlic and onion.

Quinoa seeds are naturally coated with saponin, a bitter-tasting substance. To make quinoa edible, rinse grains in a fine sieve until the water is clear and no foam forms on the surface.

Fish, meat, poultry and vegetables may be pureed if necessary. Fish, meat and poultry should not be canned, pickled, salted or smoked. Add vegetables, herbs and mild spices to enhance their taste.

Fruit and vegetable juices are forbidden - drink only natural spring water. Don't forget to chew your food well and eat small quantities at a time instead of preparing big meals.

I am quite conscious that this special diet is boring and does not provide much eating pleasure. But this measure is TEMPORARY. Its purpose is to give your colon a rest by eliminating from your diet bad sugars and yeasts that sustain your inflammation. As soon as you get well, gradually introduce solid foods. When you're ready, begin the first phase of the program.

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